IB Chemistry SL

IB Chemistry SL is a two year course in the fundamentals of chemistry, as well as its practical applications that are rooted in the exploration of the natural world. The course is broken up into 11 units of study. In addition, there is a cross-collaborative project and a student-designed internal assessment (IA) that must be completed in order to receive IB credit.

Key features of the curriculum and assessment models

  • Available only at standard level (SL)
  • The minimum prescribed number of hours is 150
  • Two year course of study
  • Students are assessed both internally and externally
  • External assessments consist of three (currently one and two only) components and count for 80% of their grade. The students have the Paper 1 exam, which is a multiple choice overview of the studied topics. This is a 45-minute, 30 question exam in May 2022. The Paper 2 exam consists of short answer questions that require global comprehension of the units of study. This exam is 90 minutes and occurs May 2022. The Paper 3 exam will consist of biochemistry and lab-based practical questions. The exam occurs in May 2022, but is postponed for the 2021-2022 academic year.
  • Internal assessment consists of an individual lab experiment with data analysis, or a separate literature-based data analysis. The students design and conduct experiments in order to collect quantitative data that can be analyzed and interpreted. This is 20% of the overall score.

 Units covered

1) Introduction and Quantitative Chemistry: The Atom, Chemical Formulas and the mole concept. Chemical reactions and equations. Measurement with mass and basic gas volume relationships. Study methods and resources, mathematical skills, assessment of practical lab work and topic content.  Lab techniques and safety.

(IB topic 1)

2) Atomic Structure: The Atom, mass spectrometer and relative atomic mass. Emission spectra. Electron configuration. Sub-levels and orbitals. Nuclear Chemistry.

(IB topic 2)

3) Periodicity: Periodic law, periodic physical and chemical properties. (IB topic 3)

4) Bonding: Ionic, covalent, metallic, shapes of simple molecules and ions, carbon allotropes, intermolecular forces, physical properties. (IB topic 4)

5-6) Energetics. Kinetics. Gases: Molar volume of gas and calculations, reaction rates, collision theory, exothermic and endothermic reactions, enthalpy, Hess’ law, calculations, spontaneity, entropy. (IB topics 1, 5, 6)

7) Equilibrium: Equilibrium law, dynamic equilibrium, position of equilibrium, applications of equilibrium law, calculations. (IB topic 7)

8) Acids and bases: Theories, salt hydrolysis, properties, pH scale, calculations, weak acids/bases, buffer solutions, titration, indicators (IB topic 8)

9) Oxidation and Reduction: Introduction to oxidation and reduction. Redox equations. Reactivity.  (IB topic 9)

10) Organic Chemistry: Introduction to organic chemistry. Alkanes. Alkenes. Alcohols. Halogenoalkanes. Reaction pathways. (IB topic 10) 

11) Lab practical work: Measurement and data processing, conclusion and evaluation, experimental design, graphical techniques, uncertainty and error in measurement. Data logging, inquiry.  (IB topic 11 and practical lab work)

12) Energy: (IB topic C) energy sources, fossil fuels, nuclear fusion and fission, solar energy, environmental impact-global warming IB requirement waived due to COVID-19